Goro Takahashi

Goro Takahashi

welcome to my world

this blog shows about my daily life. about denim, leather, boots, goros.......those are part of me.

I build my life with those things....

hope you guys like it...

thank you.

building my own life


life is one risk game

all my friends knew whats happened on me yesterday. so i dont want go throgh again

thanks all of them to help me. and support, care to me. thanks so much..

my blog name is NO DENIM NO LIFE.

so those pic still can tell my life, wats happned last night,

and i never gonna forget it. ...so the guy who did this to me. its time to watch ur back ....

whats come around , go ahead.

the life told us, no just b'cz u didnt do sth bad, to hurt ppl , so ur life gonna be good, safe.

its fucked up ur whole life and change u!!!!


can you see me????

can you
but i can see you......didnt take photos for a while.
running my ass like got smoke. so i took this photos during the work time....
